Secure and Reliable Cloud to Cloud Backup and Recovery Solutions to keep your Salesforce Data Safe and CompliantSalesforce Backup Cloud
Keeping your Salesforce Data Safe and Compliant
Are you looking to secure and protect your critical business data hosted in the Cloud with Salesforce ? Are you looking to protect end-users data against human error, potential corruptions, viruses or malware? Do you want to ensure regulatory compliance with retention policies and prevent data loss?
For businesses that need backup of their Cloud data hosted with Salesforce, AMJ IT offers comprehensive, reliable and secure cloud to cloud backup, recovery, search and archiving solution for your entire salesfoce data in production or Sandbox environments to give you the peace of mind and continuity you need for your business by keeping your data safe and compliant.Â
Salesforce is a useful tool that can help your company achieve higher productivity, but many businesses are concerned about keeping their data protected. That’s why AMJ IT offers a comprehensive cloud-to-cloud backup solution that keeps all of your Salesforce data safe.
Our backup service, which is available on a 15-day trial, protects all Salesforce organisation data, including standard objects, customised objects, documents, attachments, Chatter feeds and important Metadata, which can include such information as workflows or Apex classes. And our flexible service also enables you to exclude certain tables from the backup or to back up a selected portion of the table whenever you need.
Benefits of using Salesforce Backup Cloud
Comprehensive Backup to the Cloud
Our service, which is available on a 15-day trial, will take care of backing up both standard and customized objects, as well as documents, attachments, workflows and Chatter feeds.Â
On Demand Backup
AMJ IT Salesforce Backup Service enables you to quickly and easily run a manual backup at any timescreen; a useful option ahead of major imports or customisations.
Unlimited Retention
Your Cloud data are kept for an unlimited period and include an unlimited archive retention to easily recover data from any point in time
Granular and Non-Destructive Restore
With the AMJ IT Salesforce Cloud Backup Service, it is possible to recover specific fields in a record, or entire records that were updated or deleted. You can restore related records, or overwrite field values during the restore process, providing a granular approach.
Simple and Quick Data Recovery
The export function of our backup service enables you to download a snapshot of your data from any point in the past. When the export is done, you will get an email containing a download link to the zip extract. All exports come in CSV format and are fully compatible with the Salesforce Import Wizard and its Data Loader.Â
Salesforce synchronisation
If you want to automatically fetch your daily Salesforce changes so that you can synchronize your Salesforce data to other external systems, we can make our API available for your use. Please get in touch with us to learn more about the Synchronization service.
Point in Time Restore Capability
Another useful feature of our service is that it enables you to restore data and metadata from any point-in-time. All of the restored information is returned to the Salesforce system quickly and efficiently, in exactly the same form that it was deleted.Â
Safe, Secure and GDPR Compliant
The data we backup is encrypted both in transit and storage using a dedicated key that we allocate to you, along with advanced AES-256-bit encryption algorithms. Keys are securely stored, and our servers are regularly updated with the latest security patches.
Easy account management and monitoring
It easy to monitor details about your backup activity via the Account Activity page on your account, from where you can also choose to receive a daily email of your backup status. You can close your account at any time, at which point your archived data will be completely removed, and for security purposes, we will send an email notification that gives you the opportunity to either cancel or confirm your request.Â
Why Not Get Started Today!
If you want to start backing up your Salesforce data right away, then get in touch with us and find out about our AMJ IT Salesforce Backup Service 15-day free trial, which you can sign up for without .
Why Backup your Salesforce Data
 Salesforce have excellent backup and recovery procedures housed in their data centres, but these are mainly for internal use and are not focused on customer data recovery.
Unfortunately, once Salesforce items are manually purged or auto deleted, they’re gone forever. But AMJ IT’s dedicated Salesforce Backup Service can protect you and your organisation from a number of potential risks including internal or external threats and ensuring compliance standards.
Accidental deletion or data corrupution
Data could be lost or corrupted following human or programmatic error.
GDPR and other Compliance requirements
Regulations including GDPR require organisations to keep a detailed and accurate records of email, attachments, files and related information for a number of years.
External and External Security Threats
Whether coming from employees, program error, viruses or hackers, your data could be compromised or deleted.
Multiple Cloud Services One Cloud Backup Software
We offer daily, automated Cloud backup solutions for all major online services such as Office 365, Google Apps and Salesforce as a reliable and comprehensive data recovery for your critical business data